FAA Test Fees Program
The foundation is today focused on developing and implementing two programs:
Problem: Industry research indicates a looming shortage of aviation maintenance technicians (2019 Boeing Pilot & Technician Outlook) and that 30% of students graduating from AMT schools are not taking the FAA technician certification tests (2018 ATEC Pipeline Report).
Vision: We believe a large percentage of these non-certified AMT graduates, veteran military aviation maintenance personnel, and civilian’s with qualifying work experience (Qualified Candidates) need financial grants empowering and prompting them to complete the FAA written, oral and practical certification testing (average cost $1800).
Program: Qualified Candidates desiring to complete the written AMG, AMA and/or AMP FAA Airman Knowledge Tests, may apply for assistance using the link below.
Aircraft Maintenance Tools Program
Problem: AMT school graduates, veteran military aviation maintenance personnel, and civilian’s with qualifying work experience (Qualified Candidates) are faced with having to obtain a very large inventory of tools that cost upwards to $50,000, and this is keeping many from entering the aircraft maintenance field.
Vision: When a certified AMT retires, the question arises concerning what the individual will do with the tools purchased and collected during employment years. Even if the decision is to maintain the tool set, relatives must address distribution of the tools when the retired AMT dies. Our vision is to implement a successful program with retirees donating their tools to deserving AMTs who need to obtain tools for employment.
Program: Qualified Candidates desiring to obtain previously owned tools, donated by other AMTs, may apply for this support using the link below.